Join me on July 11th for the Hipstory of Yelp party at The Charleston Museum! This will be Yelp’s biggest party of the year with much more entertainment than just me!
Here is some more info straight from Yelp!
“Charleston’s biggest Yelp event ever? You’ve probably never heard of it. Saturday, July 11, from 6-9pm come exhibit your inner hipster, as you’re favorite historical icon at The Hipstory Of Yelp. Ride your fixie over to the Charleston Museum to dig in on bites and bevs from the hippest local hot spots and vibe to tunes from organic free-range artists. RSVP above to join!
Pick out any character from the past and come dressed as a hipster version from today! This FREE event is open to everyone & the only requirements are that you must have/create a Yelp account (Real name and profile photo too), be 21+, and you must RSVP. ***RSVP AND CONFIRMATION is mandatory for this event*** The sooner you and your guests RSVP the better chance you have of making it onto the guest list.”
There are only a few spots available for this mega event! Everything is on the house and Yelp really takes care of it own! See you there!